Would you buy this again?
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 05:27:40 +0000

I ask myself many questions when I declutter:
Do I love this item?
Have I used it in the past month?
Will I use it in the next month?
Was it worth the money?
Is this item easily replaceable?
Does this item spark joy?
Answering these questions as honestly as possible is very helpful when you want to get rid of some of your stuff.
But personally the best question of all, the one that really cuts it when all the other questions don’t have a clear answer, is: Would you buy this item again?
This questions encompasses all the previous questions in one, because it forces you to consider if you have been using that particular item enough to justify purchasing it again, if it has been brining you joy, if it would be worth the money again and, bottom line, if you do love it.
I have been decluttering consistently since moving into the bus, not for a matter of space (we have more than we need), but because even if it’s only been a month I’ve already been noticing that there are quite a few things I haven’t been using and I’m not likely to use any time soon.
It’s getting easier and easier to go through my stuff as the number of my possession reduces, and I feel like I’m close to the point where everything I own I would purchase again.
I do genuinely love most of the things I own, and these are some of the things I would definitely purchase again:
My Blundstone boots
It took me three years before I decided I was ready to buy them and I don’t regret it one bit, I’ve had it for ages and they are still in perfect conditions, plus super easy to repairMy yellow kettle
It’s cute as andI use it every day multiple times a dayMy black Levi’s balloon leg jeans
Levi’s is by no means an ethical or sustainable brand but these jeans are the most comfortable pants I’ve ever worn, and Levi’s do last a lifetimeMy Fjällräven Kånken
This was actually gifted to me and I was skeptical at first but now I love it to bits and would definitely buy it again if I had toMy Mira water bottle
It’’s great, double walled, insulated, made of steel, pretty much indestructibleMy Klean Kanteen coffee cups
See aboveMy favourite green mug
It looks like a piss bowl, but it holds the perfect amount of tea and it’s extremely cosy to wrap my fingers around
I can already think about a few items that I probably wouldn’t purchase again but I’m keeping because, even though I don’t love them, they still serve a purpose and/or I’m not in a position to replace them just yet.
What questions do you ask yourself when decluttering? Do you feel like some questions work better than others? Or do you ask yourself any questions at all? I would love to hear from you!